Alexander Clark

Contribute To LevelDo

Alex here :). Thank you for considering contributing to LevelDo. I created this platform as an excuse to get to know as many fun and exiting entrepreneurs and intrapreneuers as possible, and to build a community around what I love most. Submitting a story will potentially help thousands of entrepreneurs all around the world, give exposure to your business, as well as establish social proof as a thought leader in your particular industry.

I appreciate you stopping by and hope to chat soon!


How To Submit An Insight or Story:

If you’re not already in contact with one of our team members, contact us to chat about contributing to EUP. If you’ve written a story following the guidelines listed below, simply reply to your dedicated contribution team member with the required file attachments.

Contact Us With Your Name and Email & A Dedicated Team Member Will Reach Out

1. Style Guide

Everyone one has their own style of writing that brings out their own voice and personality which we love. We do, however, have a few simple guidelines when it comes to format to help our readers digest your content. Follow this simple format when constructing your story and you’ll be good to go – we kept it pretty basic. Check Out This Example Guide

2. Article Length

Long or short, skinny or fat, your article is your own. We just ask that you follow some basic formatting guidelines to make publishing easier.

3. What Should You Write About (We Want To Hear From You)

LevelDo was created to highlight you and your journey. If you have an experience, a tip, a trick your uncle shared with you, or just a burst of inspiration you want to share, our readers would love to hear it. With your own author profile that can link to any of your social channels, you’ll build credibility and just a hint of celebrity 🙂

4. Examples Help

Take us through your journey and inspiration for what you’re sharing. Sharing concrete examples from your personal experience is a great way to move past the ra ra fluff and really connect with like minded readers.

5. Timeline (How Long Until We Post)

Our editorial team will review your content once you send it to us. If everything is A-OK, we’ll schedule it for submission and let you know when it will be published. Since you’re about to be famous, feel free to spread the word and post to your very own social profiles and even print it off to send to grandma… We don’t mind :).

6.Paid Links – Can’t Have Em & Don’t Be Overly Promotional

Linking to examples or your own personal business is 100% fine and encouraged – we want people to get to know you! We don’t, however, accept paid links to affiliate products or paid promotion. When in doubt, leave it out 🙂

7. Do Not Plagiarize Or Duplicate Previously Published Material

We know that you know you shouldn’t copy Jimmy’s homework. What you might not know, however, is you shouldn’t copy your own either! If you’re already published an article, we’d appreciate it if you don’t repurpose the same material on EUP. Bringing something fresh and new is the best way to stand out and rank over time.

8. You Must Have The Rights To The Images Provided

All images submitted must be your own or given proper attribution. If you don’t have a suitable featured image, no worries, our editors will read your article and pair it up with one that fits… that’s if we can’t pry one out of you first.

9. Your Dedicated Editor Will Look At Your Stuff And Provide Edits & Feedback If Needed

You’ll have your very own editor to look over your content. Since most of us aren’t professional writers, it’s ok to have spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. We don’t care if you literally throw up on the page – we’ll wipe it off, clean it up, air dry it, and put something together you’ll be proud of. The most important thing is that you share, and we appreciate that.

10. We Reserve The Right To Reject Or Modify Work For Any Reason

There are some bad actors out there and we have to protect our readers. As such, we reserve the right to modify or reject any submitted work.

11. Reposting On Other Platforms

Go for it! You can set a countdown timer and repost the article anywhere you like. As EUP is growing, the more you post, the more your stories and fellow stories get read. Thanks for the support!

If you have any additional questions, contact us here.